Stress Incontinence

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Do you pee when you exercise? Believe me, you are not the only one. But it is a subject not brought up because of embarrassment or fear of TMI. Reading on the internet, people dismiss it as common, don’t worry about it, or, OMG!  That’s not normal, you need to get that checked! Meanwhile, women everywhere are stuck between shame and misinformation, and that helps no one. So, let’s see if we can get this issue in the light, and get it untangled. Keep in mind, I am not a doctor, and nothing I say should be construed as medical advice.  However, my goal is to arm you with information, so when you do talk to your doctor, you have confidence and choices. Ready? Let’s go!

So what is this phenomenon of confusion?  The technical term is stress induced incontinence.  Laughter, sneezing, coughing, exercise can all make this flare up.  Another kind of incontinence is called urge incontinence, which is a separate issue, and is not the focus of this article. 

How to tame this monster?  Well, there are several options.  I will go through them from least invasive, to most (surgery.) First off there is always the tip I keep finding that tells you to go multiple times before you start to be sure your bladder is empty.. Sounds good, right? It may even help somewhat.  However, did you know that you could be training your bladder to signal that it needs to be emptied when it is not full by using this method? As an athlete who drinks tons of water, I truly don’t want to go to the bathroom more than I have to. 

Another “tip” that I keep finding is the one to restrict liquid intake.  Do not do this! One, you need to stay properly hydrated to perform. Being dehydrated can be very dangerous.  Also, restricting fluids can set you up for urinary tract infections. 

So where are we at now?  Ahh, yes kegel exercises.  That is probably one of the first things everyone thinks of when addressing this issue.  Do them and it is a cureall! Sigh. If only it were so simple. For one thing, studies have shown that most people perform these exercises incorrectly, even though they may think and even insist they are doing them right.    Also, if your pelvic floor muscles are already too tight, that can cause leakage as well. 

Still, kegels can help tremendously if you are consistent and do them correctly.  Here is a step by step:

Ok, so we’re working our kegels, but what about other options?  There are a few.


A product called Impressa, by Poise

Urethral bulking


Sooo, what exactly is a pessary?  It is a soft, flexible, device inserted into your vagina to support your bladder, vagina, uterus, and/or rectum. There are a few different types. Like anything else, there are considerations.  There could be irritation, sexual considerations (with a gelhorn pessary you can’t have sex), and sizing issues. For a more in depth discussion, read this:

These are some pictures of various types of pessaries

There is also a product called Impressa, by Poise, which may be a bit simpler to use than a pessary. These are a little like tampons. Start with the sizing kit- it has three different sizes for you to find the degree of support you need. They can be worn for up to 12 hours. These are also easier to access: you don’t need to go to the doctor to get these. They are available at CVS, Amazon, and

 Next time we will touch on urethral bulking and surgery.

13.1 miles, lots of random thoughts

When I first started on this running endeavor earlier this year, I really had no intentions of signing up for and running races. I hadn’t run for over ten years, and I just wanted some variety from my weight training and HIIT workouts. Then I signed up for a 5k. Then two 10ks. I got the crazy idea to run a half marathon. I can’t believe I did it! So, without further adieu, are random thoughts that kept my mind occupied for over 13 miles.

Wow! what a beautiful day! This place is great! And there is wine at the end! Well, I mean, it is a winery.

ohh! We’re starting. I hope I haven’t made a mistake.  Some of these people look as if they could fly.  And apparently they can, cuz away they go.  It’s ok. Let them go.

“We’re rollin’ off the rails on a crazy train…” Not yet, Ozzy. Check back at mile ten, though. Might be different. I really feel great. Am I going too fast?  These hills feel easy.  I can’t believe I am thinking that.

Don’t pet the dog, don’t pet the dog, don’t pet…okay I pet the dog. But he was such a good boy! I hope there aren’t any more doggie spectators, or I will finish this race tonight sometime.

Oh. Oh, my. For the love of God, if you are going to where a speedo, at least make sure it’s the right size! Put your shirt back on. It is not even 70 degrees yet. Besides, if I can keep my boobs locked up in an industrial strength sports bra and have a shirt over it, you can keep your butt crack covered.

nana nana nana nana butt crack man! Oh, he is walking now whoohoo! Passing him up.

Hey, it’s already mile four! That means I only have…a little over 9 miles to go! Hmm. That doesn’t sound as good as I thought.  All right, no more math.

Yay! Hills are behind me!

This is a really cute little town.  Quaint houses.  Nice dogs.  They live near a winery.  Maybe I should move here.  MIle 6 is history.

Is that person actually trying to watch a movie and run??  Wow.  Hope they don’t trip in a pothole, these roads are not the greatest.

Running, running, just keep running.   OMG.  I just turned into a human version of Dory at mile 8.  Hey, only 5.1 miles to go.  And just think, if it was a marathon i’d have, like 18 more to go.  AAH!  No more math!  And why am i doing calculations for a race i am not even running yet?  Stay in this race, please.

The hills are back.

Dammit, Rihanna, diamonds don’t shine, they reflect!  Everyone knows that.

Now I am taking my anger out on innocent songs in my playlist.  Sorry Rihanna. i like your song.  But diamonds don’t shine.

Does this hill ever end?  I have been going uphill forever.  Why does it feel like I am walking?  I just passed someone, so I can’t be going THAT slow, right?

If one more person says “run Forrest run” I will throat punch them.

Ahh! the top of the hill!  Finally!  Don’t go too fast down this hill.  Don’t fall.

Don’t look at the rest of the hills.  Just keep going.  2.1 more miles.

#$@$!  They should ban race photographers from taking pictures of us going up hills. Ain’t a single one of us smiling.  A couple of grimaces, some @#%$-you looks, someone halfway raised a hand to wave.

But, finally-mile 13!  I can see the finish line–uphill, through the vineyard.  .1 to go.  I just need my legs to cooperate.  Oh, man, my thighs hurt, my calves hurt, everything hurts, I’m dying—and I made it!  Yes!

This is amazing! Someone help me walk, please.